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                     Anderson Colantuoni - Founder & President


I am a high school junior in NC and have always had a passion for LEGOS®. I was about eight when I started reselling and auction hunting with my grandfather. It wasn't until Covid hit that I focused on reselling LEGOS®. Without access to auctions and flea markets I had to acquire inventory another way. I started selling my own bricks and then expanded my reach to the entire NC Triangle area.

Upon buying bricks that could be resold I was offered even more bins of mixed bricks.  I started to think about who might be able to use these bins of mixed bricks and how I could help people with finding a new home for them.That's how KIDS NEED BRICKS started.


In elementary school I was a Young Ambassador for the charity Children's Flight of Hope. They fly sick kids around the country to see their specialists and for treatment. I have stayed close to the charity since then so donating bricks to them is a perfect way to bring together my love of bricks and my passion for helping others. I was able to make the first donation to KNB from my reselling business and was able to purchase 50 new kits for CFOH! 




                       Thuy Dzu- Vice President


 I am a sophomore in high school in NC and I love being active and playing with LEGOS® ever since I was a little kid. I am a member of my school's Delta Service Club and help lead of a project that uses music to help provide emotional and behavioral benefits for the elderly that have Alzheimer's and other types of dementia. As a kid, building with LEGOS® was an essential part of my childhood and I absolutely loved playing with them. I want other kids to be able to enjoy these same experiences that I had. I am so happy to be able to give back to my community and give kids the same sense of fun and happiness that I had growing up and I believe KNB is the perfect place to accomplish this goal. 




                 Ashleigh Colantuoni - Secretary & Treasurer

I'm a sophomore in high school here in NC and an avid Equestrian. I'm co-owner of a business that has taught me a lot. I am excited to now be on the non profit side of business by working with KNB. I love helping my community through my school's Delta Service Club and for the last 4 years as a member of the National Charity League. The NCL started my love of community service and philanthropy so joining KNB was an easy yes! I am very excited to see how KNB can make a positive impact on kids lives in our local community. Please help us bring joy and fun to kids one brick at a time!








We thank you for your support in helping our community!

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